About us

Kristýna Šmídová

Let me to introduce myself. I was born with an obsession for horses. The moment I was first given the opportunity to be in their presence, I knew my life would only have meaning in their company.

I've had the chance to witness the darker sides of human approaches to horses, but I've also been incredibly fortunate to receive education from riders who respected their horses, loved them, and treated them as equal partners. I was trained in the spirit of classical dressage, riding with gentleness and lightness. We worked with horses at liberty, without saddles, bits, or bridles. I had the chance to try all the movements of high-level dressage and feel what it's like when the partnership with a horse is based on friendship and trust, not fear.

My teachers were also exceptional horses who guided me through my riding development, but more importantly, my personal growth. They transformed me into a person they were willing to cooperate with, teaching me to suppress my ego and understand what is truly important.

Since 2011, Gallardo, my first own horse and one of my most important teachers, has accompanied me on this journey.

I used to train riders in the classical dressage tradition, but I had to stop. I became too acutely aware that for many, the horse was merely a means to riding, and they were incapable or unwilling to perceive when the horse was in pain or unhappy. I did not want to be a part of that, so I decided I would teach riders to perceive, feel, and listen. Because I believe that if they can feel and hear what the horses are communicating, they won't harm them anymore.

Thanks to my horses, I've developed the ability to work energetically. I practice healing - energetic therapy. I work with people, horses, dogs, and other animals, helping them find their way to themselves, utilize healing energies, and communicate with animals on levels they never dreamed of.

In 2015, I published a book called "How to Become a Better Rider," which became one of the best-selling equestrian titles in the Czech Republic.


"As a long time and experienced registered healer myself, I am particular who I go to for healing when I need it. I seek the best. During a visit to Czechia I felt unwell and asked Kristyna Smidova for healing. Her manner is professional, educated and reassuring. The session was calming and relaxing. I felt better immediately and by the next morning was back to normal. Kristyna in my experience is a wonderful authentic and talented healer who I highly recommend."
Margrit Coates NFSH SBRCPWorld's leading Animal/Horse Healer, Intuitive, Writer

Meet the Horses


Born on 21.3.2010, Gallardo is a crossbreed between a PRE (Pura Raza Española) and a Silesian Noriker. Every horse owner thinks their horse is special, but I know with absolute certainty that Gallardo is not just a horse. He is a strong personality, mentally and physically stable, incredibly beautiful, and of exceptional character.

I'm not exaggerating when I say he is my guardian angel. I have owned him since he was one year old, and since then, he has been my best friend and soulmate. I owe him so much that it's impossible to list everything. Despite his non-dressage background, he is very skilled, and we engage in both classical dressage and liberty work together. He accompanies me in energetic work, teaches me about life, and is my steadfast support no matter what happens. I am immensely grateful to have him by my side.

Sacramoso Fantastica IV-38

Meet Fanda (born 15. 5. 2019). As his name suggests, Fanda is an aristocrat with a noble pedigree dating back to the 16th century. He is a member of the rare Czech breed called the (Old) Kladruber horse. These equine aristocrats are exceptional not only in their appearance, which makes them difficult to mistake for any other breed, but also in their good character.

Fanda is incredibly sensitive, which brings many positives but also a lot of challenges. He has taught me that one can always reduce the pressure, and he has forced me to completely reevaluate and revise all of my training methods, which I had already believed to be above-average in their gentleness and consideration for the horses.

Fanda teaches us patience and humility, and he rewards us with his friendly character, love for people, and amazing gaits.

Fanda is the key that has unlocked my ability to work energetically with horses and, subsequently, with people. He can draw out all the good in a person, as well as what we have tried to hide from ourselves. And for that, I am deeply grateful.